Winter – Fun or Not

When you think of winter travel do you think of escaping to the beaches and sun or do you think of speeding down the slopes or gliding across the ice? The past couple of storms have managed to dump a number of inches if not feet of snow on just about all of us in the United States. Usually, this time of year I’m ready to pull my hair out as I beg just to see light from the sun. This year I’m doing my best to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the season change. With 27 inches of snow I’m doing my best not to curl up in front of the fireplace every day.

Our 2 rescue dogs just love the snow. I get so much joy watching them gallop through the snow and roll around. I’m happy to say I actually had to take my sunglasses with me on our hike the other day. Getting outside daily whether it’s to take the dogs on a hike or to shovel the driveway has made this winter bearable. What do you do during the winter months?

Think Before you Post

News travels fast and even faster when you are involved with sharing information on a blog, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or any of the other social media tools that are available. Lastnight my local news channel shared a story about a teenage boy that posted a tweet saying he was on vacation with his family. When the family returned home they discovered they had been robbed. The comment I made to my husband at that time was, “Isn’t this common sense not to do that?”. After I said the comment out loud and thought about it for a minute I realized how easily anyone could post something like this and not give it a second thought. It is suggested by the social media tools to accept only the people we know, but thinking about facebook, if I’m friends with A and you’re friends with A but we’re not friends, I can still read your posts on A’s wall and you can read my posts. The lesson I’m taking away from this experience is that not everyone needs to know everything about what I’m doing, who I’m with and where I am. If anything I will share the news when I return not before I leave. Don’t let this story scare you just be more aware of what your saying to potentially thousands and thousands of people.

See Ya There!                          Life’s to short. Get out and go somewhere!

Southwest Airlines Rapping Flight Attendant in New York City

This UTube Video has been out for awhile but I love it so much I have to post the link. This is a great example of taking something old and adding your own style to it. I want a flight attendant like this on my next flight!

What do you remember from your last flight?

Southwest Airlines Rapping Flight Attendant in New York City

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Packing for Vacation

So, my family and I are headed to Myrtle Beach, SC for vacation soon and I’m already thinking about what I’m going to pack for my daughter, my husband and for myselfbaby's butt. Plus all of the beach toys, blankets, sun block, toiletries, snacks, etc… When I’m in the process of packing it feels like everything is a necessity. Then, when we are lugging everything from the car to the airport and back to the car from the airport, then to the hotel room I think, “Why did I pack all of this?”.

 On I found an article which I really found helpful, and want to share it with you. There are some great tips on how to reduce stress when packing for a vacation by making a detailed list and sticking to it. Maybe I’ll put a piece of paper on the refrigerator now and just keep adding to the list at little each day. Then, before I start throwing everything in I’ll check the necessities and be sure they make it into the luggage first.

Which items do you make sure you pack when you travel?  Please share below in the Comment Section.

 See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and go somewhere!

Feature of the week

Julie My first whitewater rafting experience was with River Expeditions Whitewater Rafting Company in WV. I have to admit I was scared, I mean really scared.  Growing up we took swim lessons and literally spent all summer at the pool, but I still have the fear of drowning. So going whitewater rafting was a way for me to face my fear and go at it head on. We arrived at the site the night before, so we could rise early and not miss the boat in the morning.  The weather was beautiful that day. Sunshine was out, blue skies above and the water was calling us. Although I was scared at the beginning of the trip by the end I was ‘riding the bull’ down the last rapid of the day. Yes, I fell out of the boat and into the cold water, BUT I listened intently during all of the safety rules that, once I entered the cold water my body reacted, and I popped up out of the water a little ways down the river. My boat rescued me and I returned unharmed to the shore and smiling ear to ear. We ended the day with warm showers, a huge dinner and inviting conversation with new friends. This was a great adventure and I can’t wait to do it again!

 Please share your rafting experience with us or any questions you may have about this great adventure for all ages.


See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and go somewhere!

My Reasons to Travel this Summer


  1. Festivals – You can find local festivals and state fairs anywhere you go.  Good ole’ family fun with the rides, carnival games and I can never pass up a funnel cake for the ride home. 
  2. Water – Summer is my favorite season. I love the warmth from the bright sun and being able to enjoy water activities without freezing. Go canoeing or kayaking down a river, or zoom down a water slide at a water park. I’m sure we will go boating and fishing this summer. Some may say the best time to go whitewater rafting is the spring and fall because of the rapids but hey I can’t pass it up when the temperature reaches the high 80s and I can leave the wetsuit at home.
  3. Beaches – Lay around, with sunscreen on, read a book, watch people walk by and when you get warm just walk into the ocean. I can’t wait!
  4. Food – I would say my family is adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. Traveling is a good time to experience all of the wonderful tastes that are in all cities near and far. Ask a local where the “good” restaurants are and go enjoy a night out and a new experience. 
  5. Deals, Deals and more Deals – It’s no surprise the economy is affecting everyone. So why not get the deal of a lifetime? We have advertisers running specials I’ve never seen in all my 7 years in the travel industry. Check out and find great offers that will benefit you this summer.
  6. Furry Friends are Welcome – I’ve noticed more and more accommodations offering rooms that allow pets. This is such a great addition! One of the most difficult tasks before we go anywhere is to find somewhere for the 2 dogs and 2 cats to go. Not to mention the extra cost the hotel is asking for is no where close to the cost of boarding them here. Plus why not get them out of their everyday surroundings?

I’m sure your thinking of something I’ve left off the list. Please share with us the reason why you will travel this summer.

See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and Go Somewhere!

Packing for Vacation

hat,camera, glassesSo, my family and I are headed to Myrtle Beach for vacation soon and I’m already thinking about what I’m gong to pack, what I’m going to pack my daughter and what my husband is going to pack. It’s a little obsessive don’t you think?  The excitement I feel when I think about a vacation is wonderful then quickly the words, “What will I pack?” rush into my head and immediately I feel overwhelmed. Quite insane!

I found this article Written by Andy Cingolani with the Wyndham Vacation Resorts
which I really like, and want to share it with you. There are some great tips on how to reduce stress when packing for a vacation.

 Will you share your packing tips please?

See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and go somewhere!

Where have YOUR travels taken you?

P1020312Everyone has a different experience when they travel. Even if you are with a group of people everyone will view the experience a little bit different.  To get this Blog started I think it would be appropriate to have you share your favorite vacation memories and where you traveled to. I look forward to reading about your favorite memories.