Break Away to Southwest Florida, FL

We are deeply involved with clients that are looking for a place in paradise that they can come to and get away from winter.

Feature of the week

Julie My first whitewater rafting experience was with River Expeditions Whitewater Rafting Company in WV. I have to admit I was scared, I mean really scared.  Growing up we took swim lessons and literally spent all summer at the pool, but I still have the fear of drowning. So going whitewater rafting was a way for me to face my fear and go at it head on. We arrived at the site the night before, so we could rise early and not miss the boat in the morning.  The weather was beautiful that day. Sunshine was out, blue skies above and the water was calling us. Although I was scared at the beginning of the trip by the end I was ‘riding the bull’ down the last rapid of the day. Yes, I fell out of the boat and into the cold water, BUT I listened intently during all of the safety rules that, once I entered the cold water my body reacted, and I popped up out of the water a little ways down the river. My boat rescued me and I returned unharmed to the shore and smiling ear to ear. We ended the day with warm showers, a huge dinner and inviting conversation with new friends. This was a great adventure and I can’t wait to do it again!

 Please share your rafting experience with us or any questions you may have about this great adventure for all ages.


See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and go somewhere!

Features of the Week

Each week we will be bringing you 2 New Fresh travel ideas. There are many different vacation spots all over the USA and beyond. We will share some of the best places you can find right in your backyard and also destinations that require more travel time.  The main thing I want to stress is that there is a lot out there for us to experience. Life is all about relationships and experiences. So, what are you waiting for?  Life is too short. Get out and go somewhere!

Please share your travel experiences with us on the “Your Travels” page.

Life is too short. Get out and go somewhere!