Submit a photo in our contest!

We want to see how much FUN you are having! Whether it is just you, your kids, family, friends or pets, the only requirement for this contest is that they are having FUN and YOU define what that is.

We are now accepting photos through JUNE 30, 2010. All votes will be re-set on July 5, 2010 when the contest begins.

What are you waiting for?

Winter – Fun or Not

When you think of winter travel do you think of escaping to the beaches and sun or do you think of speeding down the slopes or gliding across the ice? The past couple of storms have managed to dump a number of inches if not feet of snow on just about all of us in the United States. Usually, this time of year I’m ready to pull my hair out as I beg just to see light from the sun. This year I’m doing my best to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the season change. With 27 inches of snow I’m doing my best not to curl up in front of the fireplace every day.

Our 2 rescue dogs just love the snow. I get so much joy watching them gallop through the snow and roll around. I’m happy to say I actually had to take my sunglasses with me on our hike the other day. Getting outside daily whether it’s to take the dogs on a hike or to shovel the driveway has made this winter bearable. What do you do during the winter months?

Vacationing on the Beach

When my family wants to go to the beach for vacation the options are overwhelming. The majority of people will continue to visit the same place, and stay in the same hotel or rental property year after year. I guess if I look back on my vacationing behavior we are similar, yet we do try to mix it up and explore different areas of the country. We are so lucky to have such a variety of beaches here in the United States. This week learn more about The Ocean City, MD area and the Outer Banks of NC.

MD-Clarion-Resort-sm  The Clarion Resort Fontainebleau is located in Ocean City, MD and offers great accommodations, food, workout facilities, pool, and kid activities all found on-site. This is so convenient when traveling with kids. You will have more time to hang out with the kids and enjoy your vacation. Check out Clarion Resort Fontainebleau’s page for more information.



When looking for a vacation spot in the Outer Banks area the properties and amenities are endless. The reservations specialists at Kitty Dunes Rentals will find the perfect rental for your vacation needs. The beaches of the Outer Banks, NC are beautiful and depending on the area you visit you can feel like you are the only ones on the beach for miles.  Who knows you may end up buying a place and living your vacation dreams everyday.

See Ya There! 

Life’s too short. Get out and go somewhere!

My Reasons to Travel this Summer


  1. Festivals – You can find local festivals and state fairs anywhere you go.  Good ole’ family fun with the rides, carnival games and I can never pass up a funnel cake for the ride home. 
  2. Water – Summer is my favorite season. I love the warmth from the bright sun and being able to enjoy water activities without freezing. Go canoeing or kayaking down a river, or zoom down a water slide at a water park. I’m sure we will go boating and fishing this summer. Some may say the best time to go whitewater rafting is the spring and fall because of the rapids but hey I can’t pass it up when the temperature reaches the high 80s and I can leave the wetsuit at home.
  3. Beaches – Lay around, with sunscreen on, read a book, watch people walk by and when you get warm just walk into the ocean. I can’t wait!
  4. Food – I would say my family is adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. Traveling is a good time to experience all of the wonderful tastes that are in all cities near and far. Ask a local where the “good” restaurants are and go enjoy a night out and a new experience. 
  5. Deals, Deals and more Deals – It’s no surprise the economy is affecting everyone. So why not get the deal of a lifetime? We have advertisers running specials I’ve never seen in all my 7 years in the travel industry. Check out and find great offers that will benefit you this summer.
  6. Furry Friends are Welcome – I’ve noticed more and more accommodations offering rooms that allow pets. This is such a great addition! One of the most difficult tasks before we go anywhere is to find somewhere for the 2 dogs and 2 cats to go. Not to mention the extra cost the hotel is asking for is no where close to the cost of boarding them here. Plus why not get them out of their everyday surroundings?

I’m sure your thinking of something I’ve left off the list. Please share with us the reason why you will travel this summer.

See Ya There!

Life’s too short. Get out and Go Somewhere!