Think Before you Post

News travels fast and even faster when you are involved with sharing information on a blog, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or any of the other social media tools that are available. Lastnight my local news channel shared a story about a teenage boy that posted a tweet saying he was on vacation with his family. When the family returned home they discovered they had been robbed. The comment I made to my husband at that time was, “Isn’t this common sense not to do that?”. After I said the comment out loud and thought about it for a minute I realized how easily anyone could post something like this and not give it a second thought. It is suggested by the social media tools to accept only the people we know, but thinking about facebook, if I’m friends with A and you’re friends with A but we’re not friends, I can still read your posts on A’s wall and you can read my posts. The lesson I’m taking away from this experience is that not everyone needs to know everything about what I’m doing, who I’m with and where I am. If anything I will share the news when I return not before I leave. Don’t let this story scare you just be more aware of what your saying to potentially thousands and thousands of people.

See Ya There!                          Life’s to short. Get out and go somewhere!